Now click the RadioButton "NaviNodes" in the Filter-Group. Therefore shut down the game (Alt + Tab), Go to APE and make sure the last entry in the list is marked. Press F10! But rememb: we simply want the cars driving the circle with ONE LANE otherwise they would crash). To identify it later on we are now going to mark it. Thats why I suggest creating a circle at Grove Street where the Cars are continue driving and then driving back. But then our Cars will drive a curve and drive back. If you want to finnish your path here press F12. Now continue walking and pressing F11 till you are here. If you reached it press F11 a second time. Now press F Now press F11 to open the CarPath.Ī message should appear which tells you that the node was added sucessfully. Then go to the first point of your path like in this picture: To create a new path (means only your path will be ingame) simply click the New-Button. To add path decompile the exisitng nodefiles and open the dnf file. You have the possibillity to add or create a new path. The spot for our path will be the grove street. Because CarNodes are limited to 1024 create CarPaths everytime before you create PED Paths. if you create a path than first make sure where cars should be driving. Simply: PEDs = Pedestriants, Cars = Vehicles, Boats = Boats. There are a few things you have to consider. To understand how the Editor works, please read this. This tutorial is the same you can find on the APE archive and is made by the original author. » How to create traffic paths How to create traffic paths